Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Another Bachelor

I'm doing pretty good. Six days into the new year and I've managed to get pictures of five of them -- I really wasn't sure that I would last THIS long, but look at me go.

Today was pretty dreary. When I woke this morning, I could hear the rain outside. That's the sound I like to hear on the weekend or holiday because I can snuggle back down into the bed and sleep. But, not today. Here are pictures of the drive to work -- not real uplifting or encouraging. I actually don't know if it continued raining throughout the day or if the sun came out. I never looked out my window and it was dark when I left work. I hope tomorrow is nicer.

I went to Verizon after I left the office, but I'll write more about that later. By the time that I got home tonight, I was pretty brain-dead (you can probably tell that by this blog). So, I turned on the TV and watched The Bachelor (I had recorded it last night.) I don't know why I continue to watch these shows, but I guess the hopeless romantic in me wants it to work for someone. Well, that and I really like to watch the women show their true colors -- He! He! He! I can't believe that after 13 seasons, they continue to drink too much, wear too much makeup, come-on too strong and just act like total bitches when they know that cameras are filming everything. Unbelieveable. Here's a picture of Jason, the new bachelor, giving out the final rose.

Jason is a single dad and he was on the last Bachelorette. He was one of the final two and he really fell in love with Deanna (who was a total bitch) and got his heart broken. I hope he meets his true love and that she's not a phony. Oh, well ... stay tuned.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Sunday and Monday

I went to visit Cody on Sunday. I hadn't seen him since July but now he's closer, so it will be easier to visit. It was good to see him and to hug him. Didn't like all of the conversation, but I guess it was things that I needed to hear and/or say. That's all ... don't really want to talk about it. After the visit, I came home and scrapbooked for several hours. It felt good to lose myself in something creative.

Today, Monday (01/05/2009) was the first day without Julie so it was a little wierd. I started going through everything that she'd left me and the day turned into night. I didn't leave the office until 9:00, so this is what I did for dinner, even though I made a New Year's resolution to stop eating out so much and to stop eating junk food so much. I broke both resolutions at once. Bummer!

Saturday, January 3, 2009


I've been reading Ali's blog and she's challenged us to choose a word for 2009. So many words have gone through my mind, but the one that keeps coming back and seems to fit is breathe. That word means so much to me -- it means slow down and enjoy what's happening around you; it means take a deep breath and handle what's in front of you; and it means that I have another day to be. So, yea, that's my word, BREATHE!

I had one more 50% off coupon at Michaels that expired today. I didn't really need anything, but that doesn't seem to matter when it comes to a 50% off coupon, does it? There's absolutely NOTHING that I need, but everything that I want, so I wandered around until I managed to find several things that I needed. It really is true ... Shana and Cody's inheritance will be scrapbooking supplies!!!
Saturday nights have been spent at Mercy Street for the past nearly 10 years. This place has seen me through lots and has been there constantly. It's my community and my connection to God. I don't know where I would be if I hadn't wandered through the doors of Mercy Street that night. I certainly didn't want to be there, but I needed to be there. Lots has changed over the years and sometimes it doesn't feel the same, but the truth is that it's where I go to find myself. There is accountability and compassion and love and community and GOD. I love the people at this place and I'm better because of them -- they ARE Mercy Street!

Friday, January 2, 2009

52 Weeks or 365 Days

I was supposed to start this yesterday if I was going to do the 365 Days challenge, but since I already missed the first day, I think that I'll choose to do the 52 Week challenge. What's that, you say? It all depends on which direction you're approaching it from. It started out as a scrapbooking challenge -- to take one photograph each day of the year and journal about it. Then my friend Karen took it a step further and made it into a photography challenge, as well -- take seven pictures a week t0 learn about our cameras and to improve our photography skills. I'm going to meet those challenges somewhere in the middle. I definitely want to improve my photography skills, but I would also like to document a year in my life. I know, probably not the most exciting thing in the world, but as I get older, I want to enjoy more and forget less. This just might be a way to accomplish that and stay in the moment! So, It's January 2nd, 2009 and here I go ...

I changed my cell phone ring to Life Goes On by John Mellencamp and everytime my phone rings, I smile.

I decided what I was taking a picture of today -- my iPod and speakers!! I love my little pink iPod. Besides being so cute, it plays all my favorite music. Sometimes when I'm listening to it, I forget that it's not the radio and get excited that it's playing all music that I know the words to and can sing (not well, but who cares)! For Christmas, Shana and Cory got me a speaker unit that all I have to do is set the iPod in and then I can listen to the music while I work. I brought it to the office and I love it! I'm listening to Every Rose Has Its Thorns by Poison -- I LOVE that song!